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The sensorship is real
Old 2015-04-23, 13:53   #12 (permalink)
ArtificialAiming User
Panemon is offline
Join Date: Sep 2010
Location: Compton, California
Posts: 275
The sensorship is real

(SP. Censorship) Yeah, Youtube only seems to care about the promotion of the other big youtubers, and financial contacts for those youtubers, even if you're a youtube partner like I am, they don't even care about your ad revenue they earn from your videos if you have less than 100k subscribers. Youtube contributors don't really even make that much money, they have to go through corporate sponsors from groups like Ronku.

I'm buddies with a few big youtubers, and have heard their gripes about how cheap youtube is, and even more cheap when partnered with the NAZIS that own Machinima.

It took me almost a year to finally restore my account, and youtube finally told me that they have no idea why my channel was banned in the first place; there was no documentation on the reason.

It's mostly the fault of adding automated flagging, to police content, and it's the bias of anti-cheat losers who have been approving the termination of AA videos. I've been reluctant to post any new videos, because once the community discovered my youtube channel was unbanned, they quickly started to re-flag some of my videos, and I've already got another copyright strike on my channel, from a video I made 5 fucking years ago. FIVE!

Youtube won't even let me fight the recent copyright strike, because I won't give the stupid asshole who's making the claim my personal home address. I've already given youtube the evidence they need to retract the copyright claim. Yet I had to change all of my information on my youtube account to keep youtube from giving my private information to phoney copyright claimants from other youtubers. Because they did it, and that's how my information was leaked, but youtube managed to erase any evidence of it to protect themselves from litigation, so now that I had to change my information, youtube will no longer provide any ad revenue to me until I give them my personal information again.

Last edited by Panemon : 2015-04-23 at 13:58.
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