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Old 2012-12-17, 21:31   #2 (permalink)
ArtificialAiming VIP
vertigo9 is offline
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Italy
Posts: 5,384
you just forgot to mention that we had 2 bans in the past... 18 months and yes they were bad (bf3) but we were hit as everyone else...(well no sorry dayz... bad luck lately!)

personally i'm surprised why few people hacks.. the risk of getting caught is extremely low on new games and equal to 0.nothing for games older than 12 months

i thank Gosh i found this site at the beginning of my cheating career.. and since i become addicted to hacks, i subscribed to practically all the hacking sites in the scene..the result was that i probably loaded the other hacks once or twice top to try it.. and since they really sucks compared to AA i haven't loaded them anymore..
so I can confirm as well that all for all.. there's nothing better than AA

yeah the site is old school (we don't have L33t animation on c00l black background or animated pop up girls) the hack is old school.. and it's great..

people just wonder why we own other hacks, especially in games where a direct fight is a matter of millisecond.. well because this hack deliver what it has to deliver.. the most deadly hack around.
but at the same time the most flexible.. gosh I cannot believe what some VIP did with the custom config on BF3.. the level of customization was ridiculous..

so ... choose the best.. and frag the rest


Originally Posted by Aldarano View Post
Yeah sure vertigo one of the most active and loyal members of AA will come to these forums when he is banned in ONE game.
Yeah not going to happen.