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Old 2010-08-12, 15:28   #5 (permalink)
ArtificialAiming User
rrock is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Location: Deep in the woods
Posts: 1
weirdo, all I can say is thank you for your "input" but once you really get to know FW and its full potential your ratings will go up, its a common thing for new users to underestimate the power of the hacks here because they do not fully understand the beauty of being able to fully customize the hack to your own specific liking

read the stickies, theres so much potential that just needs unlocked and just about every question has been asked so all you need to do is search for the answer
you may ask, "why isnt the potential unlocked as default?" well, you cant please everyone, what might be great right out of the box for one person, isnt great right out of the box for another, so you have the ability to customize it the way you want...thats what makes the FW hack so great
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