Thread: pbban down
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Old 2009-08-20, 14:13   #15 (permalink)
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geribaldi is offline
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Zitat von (KOB)ThePlague Recently, I've been setting my servers up to stream to both PunksBusted and PBBans. But for the past few nights and days I have been unable to connect to PBbans at all. I've just checked in the forum of my server provider and posted about PBbans and this was the reply I got... Quote: "I hate to have to report this news, but PBBans has closed its doors. Over the past few weeks they have been being hit by a DDOS attack on their server. Today they had another attack and the hosting company would not help them overcome the attack. They would have to move to another hosting company to solve the problem which would cost a lot of money, time, and effort. The time and effort put in by all the staff members at PBBans has been enormous. But a year or so back, they lost one of the two main coders for the website because Evenbalance would not fix a problem with Punkbuster that allowed for bans to be spoofed. This left MaydaX to code the website and keep it running. Him, along with the founder, Rodeobob, now want to get back to their families and lives, so they are closing the doors to PBBans. It is a very sad day for the whole Anti-Cheat community. "

Zitat von PBBans|AcE
Yep its true:- Well I don't really know what to say, but as the title says PBBans 2003 - 2009 that's it, PBBans has finished. To be honest I'm lost for words, I didn't see this coming. Over the last few days we've had a series of Ddos attacks & this last one is the biggest we've ever had and has forced us to close up shop. The PBBans servers have already been canceled & will be shipped back to RodeoBob tomorrow or within the next few days. From everyone at PBBans, thanks for all the support over the last few years, It was good while it lasted. From now on if we don't stream then it's back to the old school default 2 minute PB kick for anyone booted for a PB violation, yep 2minutes They'll dish out a few hundred global bans every now and then after doing their silent detections, that's logging people using x hack, but doing nothing at the time & then at a later date, after a 'maintenance update'.. mass ban people for it. Global GUID ban covers all PB enabled servers, streaming or not. Stream to psb, rep streaming (nothing live) they don't ban for demos & their staff are all fucking idiots, psb is a business not an anti-cheat community, it's lawyers & legal action should you say the wrong thing. Stream to gv, setup by people banned from PBBans for trying to fake logs and get innocent people banned, PBBans banned hackers on the staff list, spoofed bans on their ban list, a 3rd rate reject pro-cheat site, they can fuck off. Up shit creek without a paddle would be an understatement right now & I think allot of servers will also shut down because of this. Even worse:- Right now I'm trying to get a recent pbbans.dat (ban file) because at the moment, not one server has one that's been recently updated as we used PBBans enforce bans flag which meant no need for pbbans.dat, there is one, but hardly anything in it. Basically anyone that was on the PBBans MBI before all this can join our servers and play, I should have downloaded it before this, sorry. PBBans|AcE - Retired
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