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Old 2018-08-07, 10:14   #4 (permalink)
Junior Member
deaconss3 is offline
Join Date: Oct 2017
Posts: 11
You will probably get banned from War Thunder if you're new to the game and start off with the cheats, but not because AA is detected, but because of your gameplay that will trigger reports both from their detection system and the other players.

It would be too much to explain you what you shouldn't do, but search some pro players on Youtube and watch a few of their videos to understand things better about how a clean player should behave like Here is an example of a good such channel.

If you are old to the game, you can ignore my post, but if you're not, I suggest you get ready to be banned on the first 1-2 accounts. Oh, and it is also recommended to not associate your WT account with Steam, use their standalone installer instead.

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