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Old 2015-02-18, 12:45   #3 (permalink)
ArtificialAiming User
UpYours is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 318
Originally Posted by Andrew Rocko View Post
Since FairFail was implemented loads of players where banned even tons of APB fanboys. The games pop has dropped to an all time low as no one can play very long without FF banning them. Just as a side note loads of players are getting banned by FF NOT cuz FF is good and or efficient. Its cuz FF / APB dont care if legits get banned and legits DO get banned via FF. So its ezy to "clean house" if you don't care about banning people who are not cheating. Or care about "stealing" money from people who paid for things in game.

Now im not saying the game is unplayable. But if your gonna play be sure not to use aimbot or norecoil. Use walls only and maybe triggerBot every once in a while. Also if you have ever been banned by FF before be sure to change the name of your pc and your ip and MAC if you can.

Also be advised although loads and loads of cheaters, long time players and legits were banned. There are some players that have Immunity and or no FF stat ceiling. Its my guess if they were to ban them there would be NO ONE left in the game. Also some of the players with Immunity are streamers and friends with streamers. So you can enjoy getting shit on by them.

They are also trying to clean up the chat and shit like that. Its my guess that there doing that cuz of the upcoming console port. So try not to say nigger,faggot in chat unless you really have to.
Tnx KellyQ for the info !
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