Thread: Hackers in BFH
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Old 2015-02-10, 19:00   #27 (permalink)
Artificial Aiming Staff

Korone is Cute
Haruhi is offline
Join Date: Jul 2008
Posts: 14,865
Fun facts before we start
- OP used a 5 minute email.
- OP used a VPN to sign up with.

IT begins.
- OP is male
- OP actually lives in sweden.
- OP full IP address is known
- OP likes using substances which enhance performance with working out. (do you even lift, etc)
- OP recently played Battlefield Hardline BETA
- OP has a 137 rank BF4 soldier.
- OP likes religious symbols.
- OP has a CS:GO VAC ban since January 2015, U bought the wrong cheat OP. 1 Year undetected here.
- OP is in the eslgaming, WIRE anti cheat group

More things are known, but since we aren't dicks and we respect people's privacy.
So they won't be published. Unless OP decides to DoS us of course.
We'll just pass along this thread with full info to the Swedish Poleez
Why do you always win?

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