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Old 2014-04-02, 18:26   #10 (permalink)
ArtificialAiming Mod
GeneralLeeRetarded is offline
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Originally Posted by Haruhi View Post
And I'm saying I don't want to answer it because I don't want to rat out users.
I still don't get where you're coming from, all he wanted to know was if he could livestream without the esp boxes being visible to the viewers, it had nothing to do with the people in the videos except for the fact they were streaming and he suspected they found out a way to pull it off. If you said "yes you can get rid of the esp boxes while streaming here's how" then you're still not ratting them out because whose to say they are using cheats or not, all in all as far as I'm aware with AA's client NO You can't disable the boxes from the viewers, if you stream they'll see the boxes like you can, although I thought I read on a similar topic that only bf3 lets you do that for some reason, idk sorry. And Haruhi sorry if I bothered you in anyway I was just trying to help guy out since no one else was and everyone seems to be misunderstanding him.
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