Thread: Rust hack
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Old 2014-03-10, 11:55   #13 (permalink)
iBullet is offline
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Originally Posted by therealpredator View Post
Yeah lol, I've actually never had hacked a pc game, more so bought a hack, but there's something about rust that makes me want it. Kills in rust are much more rewarding, then other fps games because of the loot and risk factor. I'd hate to admit I have to use a cheat to do well at a game and sure I can do it without a hack. But I feel that I'm missing out on things I may never experience, being on the "step-ahead" side.

I don't intend on using Speed or jump or even doing anything suspicious really. I intend on roaming with my friends and if we happen to find some players. I'd like to be the "boss", a good shooter in their eyes.

What exactly does that console command do? I'll definitely be buying it under your help and recommendation later on this week when I finish my gaming pc build.

Do you have any stories with rust or even other games with the hack? Have you like 1v2, 1v3 etc.
I intend on people killing me in raids for more realism, but I'll be back with a bolt for their face
The console is similar to the original rust one, except you enter commands to do with the hack, could be settings or the one I use "unlockblueprints" which learns all blueprints

Just got the hack 2 days ago so nothing noteworthy yet, haven't killed anyone other than the guy which got killed by my barrier, I've just been focusing on my base as of late

Just note that you'll be called a hacker even if you're legit, so just defend your self as much as possible.
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