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Old 2013-03-28, 20:36   #6 (permalink)
ArtificialAiming VIP
Tyrran is offline
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 63
Originally Posted by Raining View Post
@above doesn't know what hes talking about.
As apposed to you who has only said the same thing but didn't specify much. Please don't assume in the future
@You can get hacked save files, but its not the only thing you can get.
i know but if you read the whole post they were thinking about not hacking the console aka making something like a jtag they just want to cheat, and for the most easy route, game save hacking is the easyist.

There is hacks for consoles, PS3 hacks are by usb. You can actually find these things easily.
PS3 hacks are by usb just like SOME of the xbox hacks, you can get aimbots through this but they are only for games which allow the game state (presets etc..) to be read from the save file. or are susceptible to injects

There's aimbots, and host only hacks.
Host only hacks are just packet senders which spam either fake latency calls or spam connection packets.

Though PS3 aimbot or XBOX360 aimbots are not like on pc, well none of the hacks really, there is a minimal amount of hacks, and they usually can't be configured from what I have seen.
What do you expect aimbots just turn the aim-helper on the consoles to max that is all they do

Most aimbots for consoles, or probably all are 100% rage aimbots 360 spins.
Nope they are limited to a certain area, however holding down a button and spinning you only need them to be in a box on your screen for it to work

For XBOX360 its really only if you get you're XBOX360 modded, or have the first gen of xbox360's, the G-TAG ones.

I know alot about this because my old friends from school had G-TAGS.

well i hope that cleared it up
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