Thread: Gamescom 2011
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Old 2012-01-04, 21:14   #56 (permalink)
ArtificialAiming User
mybeardhurts441 is offline
Join Date: Feb 2011
Posts: 32
Not too familiar with APB but I went onto the website ( and first thing I saw was a article about how all cheaters have been "terminated". Then it went onto a rant about how were scum and all that nice animosity.

Below that there was also a "come clean" article about how if you apologize or some bullshit they will let you back to playing the game legit...

Are these people full of themselves or what? I've never even heard of this game and it sounds like they have a very hard time dealing with hackers to the point where they think their messengers of God when banning people.

Is this just propaganda? Do these people realize it's just a video game? Like I said my knowledge of APB is slim to none but I've never seen another gaming site take such a immature stance on the issue.
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