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Old 2011-08-25, 20:44   #5 (permalink)
ArtificialAiming VIP
RuthlessEvil is offline
Join Date: Jul 2011
Posts: 15
its been bullshit sense their no map maker
god forbid the players, get a chance to change how the game plays"mods"
it has to be their maps
, their rules,
their set limit of numbers of players per what game mode, etc

am sorry, but any pc shooter, should have a map maker
it should allow players, servers owners to mod files as they see fit

its pc world,we are better then console gamers

and we have nerds who have no ISSUE learning how to make maps, make mods, etc,
tools are not that Hard to use, put them out and and pc gamers will USE them.

its pure greed to sell addons with a few more maps.
, or lazy devs don't want to take tools they use public, god forbid they make it for their player base to use also
god forbid we give players such freedom in pc shooter world!!

ea and dice just treat pc gamers as console gamers, with just more powerful specs to run their games on
its as simple as that

where not console gamers, and I HATE being treated as such
but i don't care that much about it, as i sure buy it
i have my own ways of modding my game play, its called AA aimbot baby, fuck you ea and dice!

Last edited by RuthlessEvil : 2011-08-25 at 20:49.
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