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Old 2011-05-14, 07:11   #38 (permalink)
ArtificialAiming User
Volaju16 is offline
Join Date: Nov 2009
Posts: 13
Originally Posted by Unishred View Post
Some were hit, some wern't.

I wasn't banned from having the hack injected but others were.

Im kind of a noob when it comes to a lot of these terms lol, could you explain that a little better, like what having the hack injected means? Im really thinking of using the APB hack again now that its in single purchase, but it sounds like G1 is doing a much better job at finding hackers then RTW did. They talk about it on there blog all the time but I really have no idea if that is just bullshit there putting on there to scare people, or if there legit detecting people.

I don't use aimbot just because good players can usually tell, not to mention if you even look fishy in this game district chat will blow up with "OMG ____ IS A HACKER!" and then weather you do or not people will associate your name with it lol. So with that being said, personally I would just buy level 1 with the ESP hacks.

So I am wondering, does "having the hack injected" basically mean they are able to detect the hack program running regardless of which hacks you are actually using? I mean, are they able to actually detect the hack completely themselves by just running tests or somethin? Or if you play it safe and not look obvious and basically never really give people the idea your walling, will you be safe?
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