Thread: World of tanks
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Old 2011-05-08, 02:12   #10 (permalink)
ArtificialAiming User
rrock is offline
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the problem is that the server does not send any enemy information to the client (you) unless they are in range of you, so even if there was a 3dradar it would for the most part be useless as you wouldnt be able to see tanks across the map

theoretically you dont need to see those tanks out of range anyways as you cant hit them and if you do, there is virtually no damage
but, what 3dradar would be useful for is invisible tanks that are in range....all you would need is an icon/bounding box/permanent glow or such things and you would be able to shoot the tank yourself

yes an aimbot is useless in this game

regardless, this is a useless thread at this point