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Old 2010-06-16, 19:48   #2 (permalink)
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cybersnark is offline
Join Date: Feb 2010
Posts: 13
Ah, a fellow planetside player. I'm usually a lurker but Planetside was my favorite game until SOE shat on it and purposely took it down to the ground.

I don't think it'd be too much to ask for, but Helios' high-quality stuff leaves you wanting more if you just use one feature. Go all out and disable the rest, the hacks aren't too expensive and the quality/support is way more than worth the money. I think Helios would also open himself to a few vulnerabilities if he released just a nospread, anti cheats might be able to find a few of his signatures and put 2 and 2 together with the rest of his stuff.

Moral of the story? Helios kicks ass, I'd recommend just buying the hack. You won't regret it.

For the record - BR25 CR5 VS Emerald - - legit in Planetside, god I loved that game.

P.S. If you're GrandpaMojo I'm gonna shit bricks. Just so you know ^^.
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