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Old 2009-06-16, 12:21   #6 (permalink)
ArtificialAiming User
einbein is offline
Join Date: Jan 2007
Posts: 6,237
I wouldn't mind leaving a 5$/month subscription
Meh just get freaking Masterpackage and enjoy 20+ hacks for <15$/month

Now lets move to the "hack testimonials", as ur puttin up a good bad (yes good bad) example.

Testimonials are freaking sucky and 100% worthless.

This because of alot of reasons fex:

- people don't know the full potential of the Framework. (sadly some never will)
- they will be made by not only the regular users with common sense but also by:
*asslickers (who hope to get freebies and love because they say OMG best hack ever)
*total idiots (those who don't know how to computa, don't search before post,
don't read stickies nor try to figure shit out by themselves, are under 12,
have been using a computer/interwebs for one day...)
* members/admins/mods of other hacksites (who obviously gonna make crap testimonials)
* people with Pentium 1 266Mhz - like PCs
* kiddies that play under a guest account on their mum's Dell
* people that got slapped by one of our staff for not following simple forumguidelines
* general ignorants
* jobless/broke people or kids that go to school
* retards (that actually wanted to buy the hack to put on their PS3 or Xbox)

On top of that we could easily modify testimonials, remove negative content, add fake users that praise the hacks...

…i could go on for days

Last edited by einbein : 2009-06-16 at 12:23.