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Old 2008-07-30, 22:03   #3 (permalink)
ArtificialAiming User
xXbludbathXx is offline
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 49
This hack has incredible prediction. The only problem with prediction is: if the target you're aiming at changes the direction in which they move, it will miss. The farther you are from the target, the longer the projectile is in the air, which means more time for the target to accelerate, meaning... farther targets are almost exponentially harder to hit.

Overall the prediction is incredible, HOWEVER.....

I find that it does not factor the acceleration caused by gravity into the equation. That is, If u fire at someone rocket jumping, you'll fire wayyyyy the hell off up into the sky, or when they're falling it will miss.

It will also sometimes hit walls. And it doesn't take into consideration that demo nades shoot slightly right of center, causing it to miss right sometimes.

So just to sum it up, YES it has prediction, NO it is not a 1 click 100 percent hit button. But once you learn when to fire with it, you will dominate your opposition. The service and quality of going through Artificial aiming is (in my experience) unmatched. You will not be dissapointed if you invest in this cheat. I would suggest however, starting out with level 3. Once you buy lvl1 or 2 you'll want the full cheat so save yourself the money right now.
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